The Stena Industry Innovation Lab, or SII-Lab for short, offers top opportunities for the Swedish industry to test digitalized production of the future.


Stena Industry Innovation Lab invigdes den 8:e maj och ligger beläget på Lindholmen, mitt i centrum av forskning och utveckling inom industri 4.0. Miljön agerar som en så kallad testbädd för industri 4.0 applikationer, här undervisas, demonstreras och forskas det om hur denna teknik era kommer påverka industrin i framtiden.

Här erbjuds snabba kommunikationssystem med 5G, öppen robotmiljö och "augmented reality"-montering. SII-Lab is an open environment where collaboration and innovation are high on the list. SII-Lab offer different kinds of demonstrators, collaborations within research and education. We provide tours, workshops and practical exercises in Industry 4.0. You can also host both full- and half-day conferences in SII-Lab’s adjoining conference room called Flexibla Lab. SII-Lab is conveniently […] Stena Industry InnovationLab. See Swedish site for more information. Start date 01/01/2018 End date 31/05/2021 Project members Funding Johan Stahre Chair Professor and Head of Division Production Systems, Department of Industrial and Materials Science Prof.

Stena industry innovation lab

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This dedicated area within the exhibition is designed to give first-time exhibitors a cost-effective, hassle-free and accessible platform to access the UK’s laboratory market, with inclusive editorial and advertising promotion to 58,000 Laboratory News and Laboratory Talk readers throughout STENA INDUSTRY INNOVATION LAB. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Stena Industry Innovation Lab Under tre år kommer Chalmers, tack vare donationsmedlen från Stenastiftelsen, att kunna anpassa lokaler, bygga upp infrastruktur, investera i teknisk utrustning och datorkapacitet samt möjliggöra projektledning för forskning, innovationsprojekt, utbildning och demonstration. Satsningen går under arbetsnamnet Stena Industry Innovation Lab (SII-Lab). Stena Industry Innovation Laboratory Welcome to a new national environment for research, innovation, education and demonstration of smart industrial production.

Sten A Olssons Stiftelse för Forskning och Kultur satsar 21 miljoner kronor på Chalmers för att öka svensk industris digitalisering och konkurrenskraft. I St

Stena Industry Innovation Lab at Chalmers (SII-Lab) är en test- och demonstrationsanläggning för nästa generations smarta fabriker. Här erbjuds snabba kommunikationssystem med 5G, öppen robotmiljö och "augmented reality"-montering.

Stena industry innovation lab

By constantly challenging ourselves we can create new products. The collaboration between Volvo Cars, Repur and Stena Recycling resulted in a car hood sound absorber. The material comes from old car seats, showing a new way to close the loop. At Stena Recycling Lab the project used equipment and expertise in order to manufacture the prototypes.

Stena industry innovation lab

I takt med di Stena Bulk is continuously working on improving its annual energy efficiency. An important reason for this success is the company’s continuous improvements to technical solutions.

It offers fast communication systems with 5G, open robot environment and augmented reality tools for assembly work.
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Stena industry innovation lab

Today, we have many customers in very different industries, says Magnus Carlsson at Hi-Story. Find out more about Hi-Story at Nominate before March 29th and compete for 100 000 SEK! 2017-05-08 The Oracle Industries Innovation Lab is a simulated worksite demonstrating the transformative power of the internet of things (IoT), drones, autonomous equipment, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other developing technologies. Technology is driving rapid change across the project and asset lifecycle.

Sten A Olssons Stiftelse för Forskning och Kultur satsar 21 miljoner kronor på Chalmers för att öka svensk industris digitalisering och konkurrenskraft. I St About the Oracle Industries Innovation Lab. The lab is the brainchild of Kaplanoglu, Oracle’s executive director of innovation and a 17-year construction industry veteran who joined Oracle three years ago.
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About this service. Chalmers Open Digital Repository (ODR) offers access to a large collection of student theses written at Chalmers University of Technology. Full text versions are not available for all records, but from 2010 and forward, master"s theses are well covered.

The material comes from old car seats, showing a new way to close the loop. At Stena Recycling Lab the project used equipment and expertise in order to manufacture the prototypes. Stena Bulk is continuously working on improving its annual energy efficiency. An important reason for this success is the company’s continuous improvements to technical solutions. Other explanations are energy management, optimisation and the individual energy budgets that are produced for each vessel before every trip. "Jobs in industry will not disappear, but they will change character. We want to put people at the center and get robots, 5G, cloud services, VR and AR to create flexibility for fitters, operators and developers, and support creative problem solving," says Åsa Fast-Berglund, Associate Professor at Chalmers, and project manager for Stena Industry Innovation Lab. Stena AB is one of the largest family-owned companies in Sweden and has global operations in five business areas: Ferry Operations, Offshore Drilling, Shipping, Property, Finance and New Business.

Stena Industry Innovation Lab at Chalmers (SII-Lab) is a test and demonstration facility for next generation smart produ

IoT at Stena Industrial Innovation Lab - CORE Reader Idag var det invigning av Stena Industry Innovation Laboratory, SII-Lab på Chalmers University of Technology Lindholmen i Göteborg - Sveriges nya topplabb för smarta industrijobb. Närings- och Stena Recycling is a recycling partner with innovative overall solutions, solid competence and good knowledge of materials. This means that you get a much more efficient and profitable handling of your waste. Our total solution Stena Solutions is in almost all sectors and operations. Everything from municipal operations, retail and manufacturing industry to scrapyards, engineering industries 3D print Alessandro Bertoni andreas larsson Christian Johansson christian johansson askling collaboration Decision making design thinking Dynapac education GKN Aerospace Engine Systems ie Industry 4.0 innovation jenny elfsberg johan pilthammar johan wall Makerspace Marco Bertoni martin frank Massimo Panarotto mats sigvant md3s mdd ME310 mikael johnsson msc mechanical engineering mspi Product About this service. Chalmers Open Digital Repository (ODR) offers access to a large collection of student theses written at Chalmers University of Technology.

Stena Industry Innovation Lab at Chalmers (SII-Lab) is a test and demonstration facility for next generation smart produ I maj 2018 invigdes Stena Industry Innovation Laboratory (SII-Lab) på Chalmers Tack vare 21 miljoner kronor från Stenastiftelsen har Chalmers kunnat  Den 14 juni besökte Produktionslyftets coacher och ledningsgrupp Chalmers och deras nyinvigda Stena Industry Innovation Laboratory, SII-Lab. Värd för  Teknikföretagens produktionsreferensgrupp hade möte den 3 oktober på SII-Lab, Stena Industry Innovation Lab, på Chalmers. Som alltid  I Stena Industry Innovation Laboratory, SII-Lab, kan Chalmers tredubbla den etablerade verksamheten i dagens Chalmers smart industry lab  ElectriCity with demo arena. • RISE Awitar.